First Day of College...

Hello everyone!!!

So down there is a poem on "The first day to College". 

It's for all those who have just begun with their college life or those who want to cherish their old memories of college life...

                                    Image result for college

                              FIRST IMPRESSION
 At 6 a.m. I woke up,
 just to realise that the sun was up!

Filled with the terror of missing the school bus,
I created a hustle,
just to realise that it was the time of a different bustle!

My new life, waiting for me to dive!
You have guessed it, Right?
It was my college time!
Choosing a dress became a big task,
After all, we all had to put on that mask!!!

Walking in heels, I entered the class,
I was happy to see the mass,
Ready for a new start, 
I entered that mart!

Who knew that my life would take a 360 degree turn,
where everybody would be busy in their own Burn!

"Burns", you must be amazed about?
Its buzzing all around,
making that weird sound,
Yes! its non-other than,
your cell phones shouting out so loud !!!
                                                                                                        By SAKSHI KAUSHIK

Hey everyone... 
So this was a small poem for all of my audience, just to make them remember their good old days of college life.

I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Please share your views in the comment section below!

Feel free to contact me at my email:    OR

Source of image:,imgsize-89476,width-400,resizemode-4/70885597.jpg


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